Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Heart Diseases

Love Your Heart Before Heart Diseases Attack Yourself

One of the deadly diseases is heart diseases. No matter how well your heart if constantly fed with the consumption of foods in high cholesterol, then your heart will be weak and damaged. Similarly, any healthy as your heart will gradually collapse when repeatedly stuffed with cigarette smoke harmful. Love your heart as you love yourself comprehensively. Therefore, it would not wrong if you recognize the early symptoms of heart diseases.
This below we mention some of the symptoms of heart diseases you should be aware of:
1. Angina or chest pain and shortness of breath. If you suddenly feel your chest pain and heavy feeling depressed, then you immediately consult to your personal physician. Perhaps it is early symptoms of heart diseases. Usually this chest pain radiating to shoulder, arm and neck.
2. Palpitation or pounding heart followed by feelings of discomfort and void. Even under certain conditions your body sweat out the cold and the body felt weak and dizzy, then you immediately contact the nearest doctor for your soul saved.
3. Atrial fibrillation or heart palpitations followed by feeling faint and lack of energy, so you feel helpless and breathing difficult.
If all the above symptoms often do you feel as periodic, then it's definitely stuff you've had the symptoms of heart disease. If by chance you are overweight, then immediately do a strict diet so that you find the ideal body weight. Avoid consumption of foods in high cholesterol such as junk foods and animal fats. Expand eat fruits and vegetables. Do light exercise such as jogging and walking in fresh air and clean environment. Your heart health is very valuable, and therefore do preventive before the heart attack comes to you. Please you read the other topics like Genetic Diseases at my blog this.

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