Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Eye Diseases

Please Avoid Our Body from Eye Diseases are Burdensome

God created living things including humans along with health and diseases. Health is a gift to be grateful. While the diseases are a calamity that should be reviewed so that we always keep ourselves from the things that make us sick. One of the diseases are currently the subject of the world is the eye diseases. The eyes are the windows of the heart. The clear and shining eyes reflect a clean and pure heart, though not always the case.Conversely, if our eyes are distracted by the disease, then all organ of our bodies, too, feel the pain. Everything that is beautiful as God created the universe can not be enjoyed optimally when our eyes are exposed to the disease. There are some serious eye diseases that we talk about such as cataracts, trachoma and glaucoma.

Cataract is one of eye diseases because there are membranes that pollutes the clarity and focus of our eyes. Cataracts are usually suffered by our parents or adults who patterns his life is very bad. Smoking is the cause of this cataract disease.Cataract is eye disease that is easily cured by minor surgery or intensive use of eye medications.
While trachoma is a disease that causes red eye in the cornea and pupil. People suffering from trachoma will look small spots on his eyes like ulcers. This can be caused by bacteria or virus that comes from the dirty air or water. While glaucoma is a serious eye disease treatment. Glaucoma cause people can not see clearly objects that exist in front. Even objects as close as anything will be difficult to be recognized by patients with glaucoma.
All eye diseases in the above is due to lifestyle and poor sanitation and nutrition. Therefore, health your eyes with regular examinations by the eye doctor. if you need to use glasses that will protect your eyes from dust and dirty air. Please you read the other topic of diseases like heart diseases at my blog.

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