Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Genetic Diseases

Genetic Diseases Can be Cured Despite Difficult

Genetic disease is a disease caused by abnormalities in genes or chromosomes. One of them is cancer, although many cancers are caused by poor environmental factors. Genetic diseases can be inherited by the father or mother of the child. Every child born containing x and y chromosomes derived from the father and mother. If the mother has a strong history of hereditary disease, it becomes apparent that her child would be suffering from a disease that his mother had suffered. Conversely, if the father also has a record of a hereditary disease that is strong enough, then one of his children will suffer the same disease with his father.

You deserve to know that the types and species of genetic diseases are numerous, but some of them are as follows. First, Haemofilia disease or blood clotting disease which is usually derived from the father of the child. This disease is very difficult to cure because it is innate from birth. Second, diabetes mellitus is a genetic diseases characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin in the body that can not work optimally. Diabetes will appear if the patient has obesity, hypertension and an irregular lifestyle, so the potential exists for diabetes will be a maximum. Third is asthma, the dominant derived from the mother of the patient. Moreover, if the father and the mother of the patient have a record of chronic asthma. However, asthma can be lost along with regular treatment from childhood to adulthood.
Actually there are many types of genetic diseases such as albino, thalassemia, baldness, allergies and color blindness. Please find more detailed information and comprehensive in our other similar sites. If you want to get many information about diseases like neurological diseases, please visit and surf my this website.

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