Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Diseases Communicable

We Must Be Prevent Ourselves from Diseases Communicable as Early as Possible

Many types and kinds of diseases communicable that could be mentioned such as skin diseases, diarrhea, avian influenza, AIDS, pertussis, tuberculosis, etc. All communicable diseases are spread through the air, dirty environment, body contiguity between patients with the victim and use the same needles and blood transfusions. Many innocent people have become victims of an infectious disease because only receive blood transfusions from people who suspect the disease was contagious. We often hear and read in the media there are people who have a clean track record of his family to the disease of AIDS, was suddenly convicted as people with AIDS. After investigation, it turns out he's a time of ever using the same syringe with AIDS patients. Therefore, we must be careful and vigilant against the use of injectable needle or receiving a blood transfusion from another person.

Communicable diseases can be cured if we perform routine and intensive early treatment and prevention. How wonderful if we find people with contagious diseases to be quarantined to prevent spread to healthy people. When cases of bird flu outbreak in Asia and the world, was in a short time hundreds of thousands of people became suspect bird flu. Bacteria, germs, viruses can grow and thrive everywhere. Therefore, keep yourself and family from any disease, although the disease is categorized mild.
Venereal disease or sexually diseases such as herpes, gonorhoe, syphilis can also be transmitted by including one of communicable diseases. These sexual diseases including gross disease because stems from improper sexual relationship or a change of partners and not faithful to one partner.

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