Kamis, 28 April 2011

Skin Diseases

Skin Diseases Are Very Frightening

Skin diseases including transmitted diseases. One of the media transmission is through air and touch between patients with healthy people. Types of skin diseases so many variants. We will discuss the types of skin diseases that often we find around us that is Scabies, ringworm, tinea versicolor, and eczema. 
Scabies seen in patients who experience itching on the skin, shape and rough scaly skin. Scabies is often contagious, if we wear clothing or shoes are worn by people with scabies. While ringworm is not much different from the scab, it's just that the color is whitish, and if scratched causing the pain and hurt. The most suitable medication for ringworm is Mikonazol and kloritomazol.

Other skin diseases are skin fungus and eczema. Eczema or dermatitis cause inflammation and irritation of the skin. Usually the inflammation occurs around the feet and hands. Eczema disease of the most famous and we often encounter is atopic dermatitis.

Eczema disease began to emerge in children aged 2 years. If treated intensively, the eczema will heal quickly. But if left unchecked, it would torture people with eczema for life. Symptoms that often arises is the itching and the skin becomes red. Body parts affected by eczema will feel dry, skin becomes thickened and the color change.

The cause of eczema is not yet known with certainty, but some experts suspect eczema associated with the activity of the body's defense (immune) excessive. This causes the body undergoes overreaction to bacteria or irritants that are not harmful to the skin. Therefore, eczema commonly found in families with a history of allergic disease or asthma. 
Eczema is very difficult to treat, but there are many ways to relieve itching and prevent transmitted diseases such as the use of ointments or creams containing corticosteroids such as hydrokortison, antibiotics, antihistamines, cyclosporin.

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